Tuesday, November 4, 2014


In the home stretch of my Goodreads challenge for the year-- looking at the grid of books, it's strange to realize how distinctly it has mapped out the year. There is a snapshot of my life that coincides with each title in the list, and as my eye skips over them it's sort of like watching an abbreviated time lapse  of my life that is a little disconcerting.

For example, looking at the cover of "Candide" reminds me of how drunk I was the night I started reading it. It was an accident. I was on vacation and grilling on the porch. We had a museum trip planned the following day, but when the morning arrived-- after struggling through a bath and attempting to convince myself that I could not only drive us all to Pittsburgh, but remain erect and coherent in a museum for the ensuing afternoon-- the decision was made to postpone the trip. One of my better decisions. A really solid move. And so I spent the afternoon watching Justice League and trying not to disturb my hangover. I might never again be able to crack the spine of "Candide" without feeling woozy. Still, it's important to remember that this is the best of possible worlds.

I finished "The Girl in the Flammable Skirt" in a doctor's office. I was getting x-rays done of my hands. The doctor was a very handsome fellow. He had nice pants. Shiny. I guessed that he played racquetball.

I read "The Divine Invasion" in the lobby of Flynn's Tire, getting my third flat of the year repaired. They had strawberry hard candy in a bowl and watery coffee.

I like this collage of waiting. It helps me remember my life but it's also a little terrifying. Time, and that.

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